In other words, we value the gospel and that God is at the centre of history's story (not us!). The Bible tells us a story of God at work in our world through five trees: life, freedom, faithfulness, forgiveness, and renewal. Each of the trees points to Jesus and helps us to see what God's heart is like. The gospel of Jesus is not just a story for us to grasp and a language for us to become fluent in; it truly is the best news the world is dying to know!
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who will trust Jesus."
In other words, we value people. Genesis 1.27 says God created all people in His image. Think about how much our broken and imperfect parents can love our children, and now imagine how much God must love each of His children! This means that every soul and every hearbeat—from very first to very last—matter. Valuing people means we learn to see past the best and worst of what people do and see into their true inherent worth. According to Jesus, everyone is to die for!
"You have crowned people with glory and honour."
In other words, we value health. While spiritual health matters a lot, it is only part of wholeness—or, wholiness, if you will. We discover in the Bible that flourishing emotionally, thriving relationally, and being well physically all matter deeply to Jesus. Your well-being and ours together as a family of faith are important. This is why we care about growing as whole people and as a healthy organization. And this is why we look to Jesus, not just as our example but as our source of life, healing, and health.
"Jesus makes the whole body fit together so that it is healthy and growing and full of love."
In other words, we value family. It seems like a given that God loves church and loves ministries of all kinds. But when we look to the beginning of His story, in Genesis, God doesn't put a church or a ministry in the Garden of Eden. He put a husband and a wife together with a purpose to multiply His blessing globally. This is why marriages matter. And this is why equipping parents and grandparents to help children and teens know and love Jesus matters so much. God's first and best plan for advancing His good purposes worldwide has always been family.
"God blessed them and said, 'Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the Earth.'"
In other words, we value relational witness. While there are times and places for sharing the message of Jesus rapidly and en masse, it seems that His truth is received best across bridges of friendship. In some Asian cultures, it is said that "three cups of tea" is the time it takes to get to know someone. Studies have also said that the most common way adults in North America come to trust and follow Jesus is by having seven credible Christian friends. Want to see others in the Comox Valley discover the love and truth of Jesus? Go for some drinks and make sure to help them become friends with your friends who love Jesus too.
"The harvest is plentiful. Go! I am sending you."
LUKE 10.2-3
In other words, we value risk. When you look at a tree, where is the fruit located? Not inside where it can be easily accessed safely from the trunk, but out on a limb. It seems that fruitful Christian lives—and fruitful church, for that matter—have to face the fact that the important results we hope and pray for are rarely found inside our comfort zone. We're not talking about being reckless, but understandably, something called "the Christian faith" includes trusting God, at times radically. As uncomfortable as this can sometimes be, this is good news. When we are dependent upon God, we don't just see what we can do, but we get to see what only He can do!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."
In other words, we value generosity. Contrary to the consumeristic messaging of our world, Jesus teaches us that a life oriented around giving is much more fulfilling than one oriented around getting. We're the kind of people that support our church and other great causes financially. And we don't just seek ways to help those in need; we see the Biblical pattern for blessing all others. Scripture even tells us there's joy in generosity—and it's true! We don't give to get blessed, we give because we are blessed. That's why it's the big smile of "achoo" (bless YOU, not bless me).
"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous in every way."