We give to Jesus because he first gave to us (2 Cor. 8:9).  Faithful, consistent, and Godly giving is how we effectively manage the resources God has given us. Your generosity helps us partner with what God is doing in our church, our community, and around the world.

Canadian Registered Charity #10696 3960 RR0001


How to give

Whether you prefer to give online or in-person, check out our five different methods of giving: 

Option 1. Give Online [One-Time or Recurring Giving]

You can give anytime online through your computer or mobile device using our secure giving option. Click on the GIVE NOW button below and follow the instructions. Still need more information? Click on the video below to watch step by step instructions.

Give Now 

There's also an App for that! Check out the Church Center App available at the App Store or on Google Play

Option 2. Give via E-Transfer

Send your donation directly to CPC by e-transfering from your banking app to our dedicated email address: giving@cpclife.com. When giving via email, please write the designation (ie, regular tithes, missions, etc) in the message box on your banking app/website. 

Option 3. Give Using Our On-Site Debit Machine

Use your Interac or credit card to give using the on-site debit machine available in the original church foyer between Sunday services or during the week, at the office between 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Monday to Thursday. All donations are processed with a giving envelope and are receipted.  

Option 4. Give on Sundays using our Offering Box

An offering box is located at the back of the auditorium where cash or cheques are accepted. All cheque donations are receipted. Cash donations should be placed in an offering envelope if a receipt is required.  

Option 5. Give by Snail Mail

Comox Pentecostal Church
1919 Guthrie Rd. Comox, BC. V9M 3X7 
* Make cheques payable to "Comox Pentecostal Church"

Charitable Giving Receipts are provided in February of each year.