Coffee club discussion guide:
1. What spoke to you as you read 1 Peter this week?
2. This we are considering how 1 Peter calls us to maximize the potential of our proximity (2:11-12), This happens as we make Jesus visible in Society, work, home, Christian community, and suffering. ( 2:13-4:10). Tell us about someone that makes Jesus visible well in one of these areas. What makes them so inspiring in their example?
3. It can sometimes be sobering to remember that our lives paint a picture of our neighbors and our coworkers to imagine what Jesus might be like. None of us do this perfectly. what is one area you need God's help to reflect Jesus better?
4. What is one thing you could do this week to deepen a friendship with someone you see regularly who doesn't know Jesus yet?
5. Check in on each other, pray for each other and your mission field.