Is it Possible to Bless God?


What images come to mind when you read the words 'bless' or 'blessing?' Certainly, it must mean much more than just something to say after someone sneezes or to sign off an email with.

The theme of blessing actually fills scripture from the very beginning to end and is very important. God wants to bless people. All people, everywhere. And He has a plan to do it. In Genesis 12.2, we discover an important purpose God has for His family as He makes two promises:

  1. "I will bless you."
  2. "You will be a blessing."

We observe that the theme of 'blessed to be a blessing' not only fills scripture but lives on in the purpose of the church today.

As you reflect on the abundance of God's good work in your life, would you say you are blessed? I think we would all agree! God's blessing has come upon your life because God has something important for you to do. God's blessing comes to you so that it can flow through you. Blessed to be a blessing is at the very heart of the mission of God—for every person to discover the love and truth of Jesus.

Missions matter deeply in our church family because they matter so much to God. The missionaries listed on CPC's Missions page are all partners and projects that are part of extending the blessing of God all around the world. Your prayers and your giving toward these priorities will not just bless those they are reaching, but will bless God Himself!

"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did it to me." Matthew 25.40

Mike and Laura, Lead Pastors