What will you remember about 2021?
Year two of a pandemic?
Yes, but I hope you'll reflect on so much more!
Today I was reading Psalm 107. It's excellent; I encourage you to read it. It rehearses the relentless love and faithfulness of God to His people - in spite of the chaos around them and even doubt within them. When you reflect upon 2021, I hope you'll see so much more than just covid interference. I hope you'll see the love and faithfulness of God!
When I think of God's goodness expressed to CPC in 2021, here are just a few of the things that come to my mind:
CPC Family Campout - Over 70 people together at Camp Selah enjoying one another, God's creation, special services and speakers, and some crazy games and prizes (gumballs, anyone?)
Coffee Clubs - Over 100 people signed up in a Coffee Club to dialogue and process their way through our Fall Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Series. God's Word and work touched our lives in deeper (and more challenging & growth-inducing) ways in these small small groups.
CPC Missions - Our opportunity to make a difference globally is being embraced as a priority. By God's grace our missions giving has increased by over 25% in 2021. Imagine what we could do in 2022; imagine more lives touched by the gospel of Jesus!
Wall Repair - The wall responsible for significant leaking, mould (and smells), and damage was thoroughly repaired and came in well under budget due to the work of Dale Clair and leadership of Calvin Farnell. Many thanks to them and all glory to God.
Kids Camp & Youth Retreat - Pastor Trevor led an excellent day camp for children from our church and community. He also (during a much less localized covid time) played a significant role in launching a Fall Retreat for Island PAOC churches. Praise God for the lives of children and teens experiencing the message and ministry of Jesus!
Christmas - I am so thrilled when I hear stories from people in our church about how they 'severely' blessed or met a significant need of a neighbour in their "Miracle on Your Street" efforts this year. Well done! I'm also proud of our neighbourly gesture of kindness to the 26 community families through the CV Aboriginal Head Start program.
"Whoever is wise, let them heed these things (and your own personal 2021 reflections) and consider the great love of the Lord" Psalm 107.43
Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Pastor Mike