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Dearly Beloved,

I couldn’t believe it.

This week at Jr. Youth, our small groups were meeting, and one group was in the lobby. They had the chance to see the envelopes on the wall and ask about them. I explained that these envelopes were part of our missions fundraiser. What happened next really took me by surprise—in the best way possible.

Three boys grabbed an envelope and began putting in the change they had brought for canteen snacks—a big deal for pre-teen boys! The best part? Many of the kids in our youth ministry are from the community, with little to no church background. Some of these boys fall into that category and wouldn't know much about tithing or giving. Yet, here they were, giving to missions. It’s clear that God is moving in the lives of these students at CPC.

Having youth and kids from the community here at CPC is an answered prayer. We want to open our doors to be a safe space—a place where students want to be. It has been such a blessing to witness these students experience the love of Jesus for the first time. To see them pray and read the Bible for the first time is something truly special.

Some of you know what it’s like to be the only believer in your family. It’s difficult and often places us in tough situations. For some of these students, it’s like a spiritual tug of war. They’re experiencing and enjoying church and their growing relationship with Jesus, but at home, they’re hearing and being taught many different things.

As a youth pastor, along with Garret and Abi as family pastors, we only get a couple of hours a week with these students—if we’re lucky. That’s why it’s so important for families to pursue Jesus together.

This is why one of our prayer priorities for 2025 is for the families of the students we’re reaching. How amazing would it be if, at the end of this year, we could share a story of a child or teen who found Jesus here at CPC and then brought their entire family to church? We could see an entire family transformed by the love of Jesus—and not just for a moment, but for generations to come.

Please be praying for a few key things:

  • For the students to have strong foundations and the courage to share their faith at home.

  • For the parents to listen to their children and that God will move in their homes.

  • For new families to find their way to CPC.

Matthew 9:37-38 tells us that "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." I believe that the children and teens here at CPC can be the workers, and the harvest can be their own homes.

Please join us in praying for these students, their families, and the work God is doing in our church this year.