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It’s Wednesday and we are in the middle of our Summer Kids Day camp, what a special week so far! Our numbers for kids and volunteers are at an all-time high. I am so happy for what God is doing in the hearts of these kids. I just had a brief conversation with one of our great volunteers, Jim Hubbeard, who is leading our bible adventures and sharing bible stories to the kids. He just told me 7 kids accepted Jesus into their lives! AMAZING! Isn’t that amazing?! As my eyes tear up with joy, Jesus is at work here in the Comox Valley and our church has a big part to play in it. It amazes me the amount of gifts and talents our church members have in reaching Kids for Jesus. The leading of the crafts, skits, games, dancing, decorating, snacks, teaching, registration and preparation has really been cool to see. In saying all of this, it has also been a difficult week for me as I’ve been mentally preparing myself that this is my last week at CPC. I’m glad it’s been a challenge on my emotions over this week because it shows how much I care for the church and its people. As I reminisce over the last 7 years, 3 areas of appreciation for this church has been going through my mind. Thank you for showing me how….

  1. To Love - Thank you CPC for loving the Finstad’s. Over the last while I have really felt appreciated and cared for since sharing that I was stepping down. The letters, pictures from kids, gifts, homemade cards from Carollee Norris and others have really meant a lot. This church has really taught me the great value in both Loving God and loving others. I want to encourage you to keep it going and inspire others because you have inspired me. 1st John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”
  2. To Serve - Of all the churches I have been a part of I have never seen such a high percentage of people who serve in the church. You don’t just serve, you do it joyfully. It has been extremely humbling and rewarding being able to lead such a great group of individuals over the years in kids and youth ministry. Thankyou! 1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
  3. To Persevere - I moved to Comox at the start of a very transitional time for CPC. Pastor Dave, after serving the church for 19+ years decided it was time to step down as Lead Pastor. Pastor Dave was instrumental in bringing health and love to a hurting church and built a really great culture. I started working at the church after Pastor Dave had resigned and became Interim. Not knowing how this transition was going to go, we ended up having multiple transitions before Pastor Mike and Laura came in. Plus, COVID!!!! Our church went through so much transition over my first 4 years here, but people didn’t lose hope, they worked harder, they served harder, they loved harder. As hard as it was for me to go through so much transition and change, you as individuals helped me realize that I was more resilient than I thought I ever was. Last year, which seems like years ago, I was going through my most difficult time with my mental health. It was the people who loved, cared and reached out to me that helped get me through.  I was inspired to press on and keep the faith and not to give up but finish strong and I’m so glad I did. 2nd Timothy 4:7 has always been my life verse, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
  4. Thankyou CPC for fighting the good fight with me, I love you and you will always be near to my heart. My favorite meal is surf and turf, so, If you are ever in Edmonton bring some fresh seafood and I will supply the steaks. Love Trevor. Peace Out!