Can you imagine not growing for the rest of your Christian life? That doesn’t seem right, does it? Like children who delight in knowing they are growing, we want to keep maturing and developing in our faith.

As lifelong followers of Jesus we don’t want to just know the Bible, we want to be ‘doers of the Word’ who reflect the love and truth of Jesus in greater and greater ways into relationships and through our everyday lives.

While much of this rests upon your own devotional life and is supported by the teaching of the Word on Sundays, there are three essentials we want to draw your attention to for ongoing faith formation.

Next Steps in Spiritual Growth

DNA Relationships

DNA stands for Discipling, Nurturing, and Accountability and DNA Relationships are one of four things we believe each person in CPC is called to (see our Vision booklet for more on this!). You need one or two others in your life who you can connect deeply with for DNA in an ongoing way, and they need you! DNA Relationships form over time and are marked by engaging in scripture and prayer together, asking “How are you really doing?”, knowing one another’s lives closely, and mutual encouragement toward God’s purposes. While we do offer some groups and opportunities to discover DNA Relationships, they are developed organically by you and the faith-friendships you intentionally work on growing. What is one thing you could do this week to help a friendship you have take a step toward becoming a DNA Relationship?

Encounter Weekend

The gospel invites us to know God meaningfully and to experience His ongoing work deep in our lives. The Encounter Weekend is a two-day event designed to bring you closer to God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—through times of worship, teaching, discussion and prayer ministry. As session builds upon session, life-transforming truths from His Word begin to work deeper within and bring you further into His love, healing, and freedom in ways that are essential for every Christian life. The Encounter Weekend is foundational, inspiring, and is like a much-needed spa for your soul!

Click Here to sign up for our next Encounter Weekend.

Empower Weekend

We don’t see Jesus forming His closest followers into disciples in classrooms but enabling them to participate in His mission, knowing that the best way to disciple them was to empower them to extend His ministry and message. While discipleship does include knowing things, it has much more to do with doing things and becoming powerful in love like Jesus. The Empower Weekend is a new two-day event designed to equip everyday followers of Jesus to learn how to hear God, pray for others and use spiritual gifts, and grow in sharing their faith. God’s Spirit is alive in you right now and ready to use you in ways that might surprise you. Want to grow?

Click Here to sign up for our next Empower Weekend.