We are most like Jesus when in others-focused, self-giving love we serve. Additionally, serving is one of the greatest ways to get to know others and allow your abilities and giftings to be part of what God is doing in and through our church. 

All of our services, ministries, projects and events contribute in some way toward bringing the message and ministry of Jesus into everyday life and the involvement of every volunteer matters!

While each ministry or task may differ and include other prerequisites specific to their purpose, we have three steps for anyone to get involved on a Serve Team.

Next Steps to Join a Serve Team

Sign Up

We have a simple form online where you can let us know of your interest in joining a team, learn about areas where volunteers are needed, and let us know about ways in which you’d be available to serve by clicking the link below. If online forms aren’t your thing, let our office staff know and we will be happy to fill it out for you or give you a paper copy. 

Click Here to sign up.


When people work together, it is important to know that we are going to be pulling in the same direction and for the same purposes with humility and a fun team spirit. We go through a simple Serve Team Agreement with every potential new volunteer and ask them to sign our team form indicating that they want to join us in honouring Jesus in our serving and with our lives.

Sign the Agreement by clicking Here.


Most of the time, serving in CPC means learning something new or learning how we do that particular thing in our church. Those who are responsible for the ministry, role or area you will serve in will help to make sure you are prepared and ready to serve. It is our hope that serving will be a joyful way for you to worship Jesus and see His purposes extend through our church.