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What is an Executive Pastor? 

This past Sunday we had a wonderful moment in our service to welcome Pastor Lorne & Heather Willms and pray over them as Lorne begins his new role here at CPC. 

Some might wonder, 'What is an Executive Pastor?' I am happy to recap some important highlights from our discussion at our December Town Hall and share the focus of this new position in CPC. 

  • CPC has been experiencing ongoing growth as a result of Jesus' work in our church and community. Each year we report the number of people who belong to our church to our denominational head office. Here is how the reporting from recent years has looked: 2019, 177; 2020, 200; 2021, 275; 2022, 375; and 2023's number will come in somewhere between 425 and 475. 
  • As we receive input from outside voices and leadership consultancy, an important priority for CPC in this season is to move from 'momentum growth' to 'strategic growth.' This means adding systems and structures that support sustainable fruitfulness. 
  • Our Leadership Council has given time this past year to consider how to best staff for our present and future. Considering the growth we have been experiencing, several of our staff positions have experienced increased demand for their role. Additionally, with growth, it means our staff has more people to serve, support, and lead. And as the Comox Valley continues to grow, we all have even more people to reach with the message and ministry of Jesus! 
  • We have created two new positions, a part-time Admin Assistant role which has been filled by Jennifer Leung, and an Executive Pastor role, which Lorne Willms now fills. 
  • So, what is an Executive Pastor? 
    • This role is now responsible for the Management of CPC's Operations. This includes things like HR, Facility & Property, Finance, and Office Management. 
    • This position will help to develop Organizational Systems and Structures for CPC's Management and Ministry, with the goal of supporting life and growth. 
    • This position will also develop and oversee pathways for Volunteer Leadership Development in CPC. We have over 200 awesome volunteers in CPC, and wise stewardship of the resources God has given our church includes helping some of our volunteers realize their leadership potential and rise to lead groups, teams, and projects in healthy and life-giving ways. 
    • This is also a pastoral position, which assists in bringing Pastoral Care and Ministry and also takes the lead in overseeing pastoral care and funeral preparation. 

Pastor Lorne comes to CPC with decades of experience in pastoral ministry and leading churches. Additionally, Lorne is very gifted in organization, detail, and follow through. He also genuinely loves people and loves to provide care and support. Lorne's position also gives Laura and I the ability to give greater focus to our leadership and ministry, without having to juggle so many other growing details. We are thrilled to have Lorne join CPC's staff team! Please do join us in welcoming he and Heather as you see them on Sundays, I know they will love to meet you. 

"Jesus makes the whole body fit together so that it is healthy and growing and full of love." 
Ephesians 4.16

Pastor Mike