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We don't care. 

We care A LOT. 

This morning I signed 12 cheques on behalf of our church that are being sent to directly help people within our church family facing difficulty, challenge and crisis right now. 

In the final verses of Acts chapter 2 we find a passage of scripture that is fairly familiar to many of us about the kind of rich community and inspiring faith-life the early church shared in. It is in Acts 2.42-47 that we find the early church shared meals and food with each other, "had everything in common", and would sometimes even sell possessions and properties so that they could give to "anyone as they had need." What we see in Acts 2 is echoed throughout Acts and the New Testemant. 

Caring for one another was a hallmark of the early church and continues to be today here in CPC. 

I've had several people make remarks to me recently about how much they love that our church is so outward focused. I agree! I love it! However, I am also proud of the fact that we have active and ongoing ministry to those in need within our church family. 

Our Care & Benevolent Team is made up of a fantastic group of volunteers and is led by Karen Beitel. Together, they work very hard to mobilize people and resources in ways that provide care and support to people in our church family who are in difficulty, facing a unique or significant challenge, or are in crisis. I want to make a few comments about Care & Benevolence in CPC: 

  • Care & Benevolence is funded by two streams, primarily by our "General Fund" (regular tithes & offerings) and secondly by designated gifts to our "Benevolent Fund."
  • This means your regular giving to our "General Fund" helps to empower ongoing care and support for people in need. Thank you for your faithful and generous giving to CPC's General Fund. 
  • From time to time, someone may wish to designate a particular donation specifically toward the "Benevolent Fund." This is a wonderful thing that some people will feel prompted to do when they have a gift they wish to give that goes above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings. 
  • While a donation may be designated toward benevolence it is important to note that it may not be designated specifically toward a particular person by name. The Canada Revenue Agency outlines certain parameters for charities and this measure was put in place by the CRA to protect against ways in which someone could attempt to take advantage of a charity by designating funds toward the benefit of a specific person (whether deserving/in need or not) and further also receive a tax receipt for the donation themselves. 
  • In CPC, the deployment of resources from the benevolent fund occurs with the guidance of our Pastoral Staff and Care & Benevolent Team under the oversight of our Leadership Council (board). The needs of people within our church family are monitored and considered by our Pastors and the Care and Benevolence Team. 

The work of our Care & Benevolence Team goes far beyond financial and includes visitation & prayer, providing meals, subsidy toward Christian counseling, and transportation. Right now we could use a few more people who may be willing to help offer an occasional ride to someone in need (to see the doctor, to an appointment, or church service, etc.). We also need a few others who would be willing to prepare a meal to be given when someone in our church has had a baby or is facing a crisis. 

If you or someone you know in CPC is facing a significant change, challenge, or is in a crisis, or if you are willing to help with transportation or meals, please contact Karen Beitel by phone at 250.339.5220 or by email at

Thank you. 

This week a family in our church experienced a house fire. While there was material loss and the whole event was tragic and traumatic, we praise God that everyone got out safe. When Laura and I went to their home that morning we were not surprised to find someone else from the church was already there providing care and support. It is just like the people of CPC to be present, helpful, and generous, just like our Lord. 

As you can see, here in CPC we don't (just) care. We care a lot! 

It is the way of Jesus and the way of His church. 

Pastor Mike