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Dearly Beloved, 

The signs are all around. Leaves are just slightly beginning to change colour. Evenings are softening to dark just a little earlier. We are beginning to hear the phrase "back to school."

It's Summer and, as of today, we're into the second half of August. 

It's a good point for some brief mid-year CPC updates and highlights:

  • Our annual Kids' Day Camp was last week and reminds me of many of the wonderful experiences and events we've had already this year. Many children decided to follow Jesus for the first time at our well-attended Day Camp. We also had a full Church Camp at Selah again earlier this Summer, with more than 150 people for a smoked brisket potluck feast. Camps are always such a great opportunity to grow deeper together and to grow in Christ. Late in the Spring we also had a great group of guys enjoy a men's campout together. Dates for next year, as well as a new women's campout for 2025 are already in the works, not to mention the special youth camps, conferences and retreats that have happened and are yet to come this year.  
  • So far this year we have welcomed many new faces, of all generations and some are brand new followers of Jesus! We continue to work at making room for others. But also, this year we have seen some (feels like too many!) families and key volunteers make big moves to other provinces. It can be hard to say goodbye. This past Sunday held Pastor Trevor's farewell and sent him and his family with our blessing and love. Last week I wrote a brief update of where we are at in our staff search and what our interim staffing arrangement will look like. If you missed it, peek back at last week's ebulletin.
  • Our Leadership Council and Pastoral Leadership continues to praise God for His provision and the spirit of generosity that is part of the culture of our church family. Although unbudgeted, we raised well over $20,000 toward helping Christo & Sarah Emmanual, global missions partners of ours in India prepare to acquire property for a new church location and ministry training center. I believe the giving that occurs in CPC is inspired by a desire to honor God and to see His gospel change lives everywhere. Our General Fund Revenue has been steady and continues to be the financial engine that fuels our local ministries and services. Thank you for your faithful giving. Together, we are part of something special God is doing in and through CPC. 
  • This year we sent our first two short-term missions teams in more than a decade. We have been blessed to begin a relationship with the 'Shadow of His Wings' ministry, that is rescuing, housing, providing healthcare, education and the gospel to vulnerable children in Guatemala. We are already preparing for another trip there next year during Spring Break and Pastor Clay is also well into plans for a youth missions trip next Summer. 
  • We are thrilled with the progress on our property and in our building so far this year. The field is looking great and has been getting excellent use already in our camps, special youth events, and Pastor Trevor's farewell. Earlier this year we experienced some setbacks and delays in the renovation of our new lobby space (ever had a surprise when you've done a reno!? Us too ). As can be expected when dealing with an old building like ours, some of this came with unexpected costs. So, if you happen to find that kind of thing compelling to give toward, please consider a special gift to our Building Fund. The guidance of our Leadership Council and work of our knowledgeable and experienced Building Committee has been of great benefit to CPC and we are on track to see our new Central Lobby and Entrance open for regular use mid-September. We look forward to giving ongoing attention to the upkeep, improvement and development of our building and property for the glory of Jesus! 

I anticipate that God has wonderful things for our church this coming Fall and through the rest of the year. 

Let's continue to bring the message and ministry of Jesus into everyday life right here in the Comox Valley! 

Pastor Mike