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Dearly Beloved,

The Canucks are in the playoffs for the first time in years. 
(bear with me if you're not a sports fan – you will get where I'm going with this in a moment!)
Imagine with me that, against all odds (now that their goaltender is injured), they persevere through four grueling playoff rounds and find themselves in a final game 7. Now, imagine with me that, in spite of injury woes and adversities of all kinds, they WIN game 7, and for the first time ever, the Canucks are the NHL's championship team. (I am almost crying as I type this).
Now imagine with me that this year the NHL also decided not to award a Stanley Cup. No rolling out the red carpet onto the ice. No booing Bettman. No hoisting the trophy. No victory laps. No team photo on the ice around the cup. No drinking from it in the dressing room. No hometown parade. 
Wouldn't feel right, would it? Why is that? 
Well, we as humans are created by God to observe ceremony
Ceremonies mark special occasions or a happening of great significance.  
And much like an NHL Championship without a Stanley Cup, the absence of ceremony doesn't feel quite right. And it shouldn't. 
While our world continues to mark certain accomplishments or events with ceremony, have you noticed that culture has been moving away from ceremony in many ways? In the absence of ceremony, some things that are meant to bear great value and significance are instead handled casually, and as a result, begin becoming devalued. As your pastor, I have to point out that this trend away from ceremony has been happening in church culture in recent decades too. 
There is danger in this. 
But our church is going to uphold the importance of Celebrating Christian Ceremony. 
Over the next five weeks, our Dearly Beloved will feature one of five important Christian Ceremonies that our church family observes. 
And if an NHL Championship NEEDS a Stanley Cup, I'd say our church and your life needs them too. 
Pastor Mike 
ps- the Canucks play tonight - please pray. Pray specifically for Thatcher Demko (healing). Pray specifically for Elias Petterson (general). Pray specifically for power-play goals. Pray against the powers of darkness that have been supporting the Nashville Predators. Thank you.