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“I will sing to the LORD with my whole being; I will sing to my God continually.” Psalm 104:33
As we know, worship is so much more than the songs we sing on a Sunday - it’s our whole being that offers up worship unto the Lord. However, worship through song is vital to our walk with the Lord. This can come in many forms and you don’t have to be musical to engage in worship through song. The reason is this: worship is about HIM and not about you! Worship is an opportunity for us to fix our attention and affection on the Triune God: Father, Son and Spirit. As we do this, we become aware of His magnificent presence and the atmosphere changes. Why? Because our focus shifts to the One who brings peace, freedom, order, wisdom…in other words, we take the focus off our problems and place it on the One who is the solution
I want to encourage you to intentionally fill your life with worship - yes, songs of worship! Be it singing a song at home as you prepare breakfast with the kids or blasting praise and worship in your car as you drive to work; fill your heart and your life with worship. It’ll get in you. It’ll shift the atmosphere around you because He is being glorified. 
I remember as a child the deep impact my parents had on my life through worship. There was always worship music playing in our home. My mom would play cheesy 90’s video tapes of kids singing scripture and my grandpa would occasionally bring out his accordion for a good ol’ fashioned hymn sing. My Swedish Nana (yes, we literally call her “Swedish Nana”) would constantly be singing in the Spirit, with deep and resounding vibrato -and not a lot of melodic grace! - as she rolled mashed potatoes, butter and bacon into glorious balls of heaven. I LOVED IT (the singing and the potatoes). From a young age I was learning the posture of worship and I didn’t even know it. Parents, let your children see you engage in worship - at home and in our gatherings on Sundays. Let them see your humble adoration for your Saviour. We love having our CPC children join us for worship; it’s loud, it’s messy and it’s wonderful. 
Let the posture of your heart and the atmosphere of your home be one of praise and adoration. It’s not a fix-all solution. That’s not why we do it. We do it because He is mighty, beautiful and worthy. 
This week, ask yourself the question, “How is God beautiful and mighty to me?” Ponder the memories in your life of what Jesus has done, how He is worthy, and let praise flow from your heart and mind and lips. 
Not sure what to listen to? Just ask! I would love to recommend some great worship music to listen to on whatever streaming platform (or other) you use. 
Sing, speak, whistle, shout, whatever and however, just get those words of praise and thanksgiving on those lips!
Pastor Laura