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Dearly Beloved, 


A couple weeks ago, while on vacation, we visited another church. There were some impressive things about the church: ten people on the worship team; many ministries; and the building was big and beautiful. Yet through the morning I often found myself thinking, “I miss my church.” It is not my point to put that church down. I’m sure they do many things well. My point is that we have something special here. I love my church. I hope you feel this way too. 


So why did I miss my church? Here are some reflections on what I love about CPC. 


I love the focus on Jesus. Our priority is not about us. Or our ministries. Or our building. Our vision is Jesus. I hear great stories at CPC, but the point of the stories is not the people themselves, rather it is how they came to believe in Jesus, that they were baptized in water in obedience to Jesus, that they serve as an expression of their love for Jesus, etc.  


I love the spirit among us. I also love the Spirit among us. By the spirit I mean the common bond, the attitude, and the sense of team. At CPC I see people pulling together, caring for one another, and supporting each other. As it says in Philippians 2, “not looking to your own interests but . . .  to the interests of the others.” There is a good spirit in the church. By the Spirit among us I mean the Holy Spirit. We look to the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us. He is working. In ourselves we can do nothing, but through the Spirit amazing things are happening. 


I love the youthfulness. I may be the oldest person on staff, yet I believe in the importance of the next generations. At CPC we emphasize children’s and youth ministries. We have a great Youth Pastor, Clay, and a priority now to call a new Family Ministries Pastor. Along with our pastors we have many great youth and children’s ministry volunteers. I am encouraged to see people of my generation supporting the ministry God is calling us to, rather than making it about our preferences. 


I love the mission emphasis. We share the good news of Jesus in the Comox Valley and around the world. There is a commitment to be in the community, to build relationships, and an excitement when people become interested in Jesus. This year, according to one of our prayer priorities, many of us are praying for those in our local mission by name. 


I love Sundays. It’s great to come together as the body of Christ to worship, hear from the word, connect with the church family, and to be built up in the Lord. We are blessed to have Pastor Laura and others leading in worship, and we are blessed to have Pastor Mike and others preach the word. I leave Sunday mornings having encountered Jesus, strengthened in the Lord. 


I love the welcome and caring. CPC embraces newcomers. We felt warmly welcomed when we came, and I see others are too. 


A year ago I was not looking for a ministry position at CPC. When Pastor Mike asked if I would consider serving as Executive Pastor, I was interested because I see this as a good church, where God is doing exciting things. As I reflect on what I love about CPC, I notice that my reasons are because we are not focused on being a good church for ourselves. We are focused on Jesus and others. Whether as individuals or together, it is in dying to self to live for Jesus that we experience life. I experience life at CPC.