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There's an interesting study of the rise, fall, and recovery of the General Motors Company through the years. After a strong start and decades near the top of the vehicle world, it began to lose serious ground. 
It began offering too much
One of the strengths of GM was that it offered a wisely designed variety of vehicles through a selection of divisions (think: Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, etc.). But once their divisions began offering their own variety of vehicles, the GM brand began losing ground. Too many options. 
Another example of the same kind of thing can happen in restaurants. Can you think of a restaurant that was known for one thing, but then, years later, may still offer that signature item, but have a menu with way too many other options?  
Often there is great strength in having a singular, clear focus, followed by a few simple opportunities or options that relate to that focus. 
While we are blessed to have many exciting things going on in the life of our church, this Fall our singular focus is connecting and growing together in groups
For adults, we are gearing up to have as many people as possible be part of groups that correspond to our upcoming main Fall Series in the book of Revelation that will run from Sunday, October 15 through November 26. 
Allow me to outline the options we have to connect and grow in groups together this Fall: 

  • Life Groups - We have several existing small groups that are already gathering together. Many will be giving their focus to the weekly discussion guides that are offered each week of our Fall Revelation series. 
  • Pop-Up Groups - These are short-term small groups that form for the seven weeks of this series. For some people, the idea of signing up for a "Life Group" may feel like a bit too much and so the option to give something a try in a shorter-term context makes more sense. 
  • Coffee Clubs - these are 'small, small groups.' At the end of the day, we want everyone in our church family to have 2 or 3 others that they connect deeply and closely with for Discipleship, Nurturing, and Accountability ("DNA"). Many people find this organically and over time through their friendships and small group experiences. Coffee Clubs are basically 'small, small groups' that run during a series like this and give the opportunity for DNA relationships to begin forming. 

You can sign up to join any of these kinds of groups right now, by clicking here.
Now, for Youth and Children, here are opportunities for them to connect and grow together this Fall:

  • CPC Kids - Sunday morning in our 9 a.m. service, and beginning Oct 1 in our 11 a.m. service too! Bible lessons, activities, and fun together! (Nursery - Grade 5)
  • After-School Club - Thursdays from 3.30-5 pm at our church building. Bible lesson, crafts, games, and a snack together! (Kindergarten - Grade 6)
  • Junior Youth - launching October 10 on Tuesday evenings for grades 5,6 &7! Fun & games, a message, and small group time together.
  • Senior Youth - Wednesday evenings for grades 8-12 with more fun & games, a message, and small group time together. *note: Grades 6-12 together on Wednesday nights until Junior Youth launches Oct 10. 
  • Equipped - a focused discipleship and leadership development group for grades 8-12 that will meet on the first Monday evening of each month. Bible reading plans, discussion groups, mentorship, and prayer together.

"Jesus makes the whole body fit together so that it is healthy and growing and full of love." 
Ephesians 4.16 
Let's connect and grow together this Fall! 
Pastor Mike