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Its not goodbye, it's see ya later

Last Sunday I shared an update with our church family about an upcoming change in ministry and move for our family. Sharing news like this is not easy! We love this church and the people that make it so wonderful. If you missed hearing my announcement on Sunday, reading this may come as a surprise. Through much prayer and consideration, I have stepped down as family (kids) pastor at CPC. In May, I received a message from a trusted and well respected pastor asking me if I would be open to having a discussion on a potential position at another church. The more we engaged in discussion, the more I knew that this was where God wanted Kim and I to be. The timing of all this also syncs up with having recently become 'empty-nesters' (boo-hoo!) and seeking the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in prayer for our future. Through these prayers and seeking Him I felt such a peace that God had things worked out and that He was indeed working behind the scenes in our lives and this new ministry assignment, where I have accepted and answered the call to be the Kid's Lead Pastor at North Pointe Community Church in Edmonton. My last Sunday will be August 11th, I hope to see everyone before we leave.

As I reminisce and think about my last 7 years at CPC, I’m thankful for my time here, my friendships, and all the support I have felt here.  I want to say a special thank you to everyone for all the prayers, encouragement and help you have been for myself, Kim, Noah and Haleigh and we love you for it!

I have 2 big events before I leave, I hope to see your kids at our family camp this week and our day camp in August. 

Love Trevor.