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Dearly Beloved, 
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Do you remember the old back to school commercial by Staples? The song playing was the Christmas favourite, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and showcased gleeful parents dancing through the store aisles while their children moped along sadly behind them. For many parents, back to school brings feelings of joy and relief at the thought of routines, bedtimes, and perhaps maybe even a little peace and quiet. We love our kids dearly, don’t get us wrong, but summer is… a lot.  For others, they feel sad and may even shed a tear at the school year starting up. They revel in and soak up every moment of the summer with their kids and this time of year brings a little twinge of sadness because they will miss the freedom of schedule and routines and (even!) their kids. Maybe you find yourself feeling all of it. Let’s be honest, that’s probably the healthiest to feel a little bit of both. 
Regardless of where your back to school feelings lie today, the fact is that this is a big week for our students. New schools, new classrooms, new teachers, seeing friends they haven’t seen in months, and the prospect of making new friends. For the older students, there’s future career choices, job needs, relationships, etc. It’s a lot and many may find themselves nervous and even experience anxiety this week. 
What can we do as parents and also as a church family to support our students?
Create space. One of the most meaningful memories I have as a child was my mom sitting at the table with us after school and asking us about our day while we ate a snack. Listen, ask questions, do your best to respond with patience and love (respond, don’t react). Help your kids feel heard and seen by validating their emotions and guide them to come up with some solutions that may help them overcome. 
Pray. As a church family, parents, grandparents, etc, let’s be covering our CPC students in prayer this month. Pray for their teachers, schools, friends. Pray for their hearts and minds, for strength and peace. Let’s pray for courage to be a friend to the lonely, for boldness to stand up for those who are mistreated. Pray for protection and safety. And let’s pray that the light of Jesus would shine brightly wherever they go. In our family we pray daily, ok most days:), with our kids that they would have a ‘4-H day’. That they would be helpers, hard workers, have fun and hear Jesus. 
I’m praying for you parents and your students. May you too have a 4-H day!
Pastor (and frazzled mom!) Laura