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Here we go again! Did you think I was talking about covid? Well, this time I'm referring to a federal election.
This past Sunday, Prime Minister Trudeau initiated a call for Canadians to return to the polls. 
Regardless of how you feel about that decision, this is now an important time for you and I. In our "Don't Sell your Soul to the Hevel" series out of the book of Ecclesiastes this past Spring we gave our attention one Sunday to the invisible idolatry of Power.  If you missed it or want a refresher, you can catch it here
In that series we pointed out that Invisible Idols are often good & necessary things that we allow to become ultimate or absolute. 
Politics and power can become a very dangerous idol to many people. Christians can sometimes fall victim to putting more hope in a political leader or party than Jesus.
I want to revisit a list of 5 things that I shared in that message that we all will be helped to be reminded of right now. 
1. Government is necessary. Like it or not, until the fulness of God's Kingdom comes with Christ's return to wed Heaven to Earth for eternity, the countries of the world need government. The alternatives are scary! 
2. Government can be Good and can be Evil. Don't get stuck assuming that that party you might support can only do good and that differing parties can only do evil. Governments have the potential to offer both good things and evil things. At the end of the day, every government (see Revelation) of this world -yes, even every party you have ever supported (again, yes, even the "Christian" ones) have a beastly way about them. 
3. Vote! Please vote. Yes, sometimes this can be very hard. Take your opportunity to make your voice count seriously. Do good research, consider speaking with local MP candidates, don't just follow streams of media (even your or my favourite one can become an echo chamber). Consider the most important issues at hand. And do you best to consider them from a Jesus-centred point of view.
4. Honour! Yes, this is something scripture is very clear about. One of the most beautiful and counter cultural things Christians do is see the 127 in others, yes, even political leaders (recall: Genesis 1.27, every human is an image bearer). Peter even goes as far as to command Christians to 'honour the king'. The emperor at the time was killing Christians. You mean instead of sharing in the social media mud-slinging we should hold honour in our hearts toward our political leaders? Talk about counter-cultural! 

5. Pray! Prayer makes you one of the most influential Canadians in our country right now! Do you believe that? If not, could you be underestimating prayer or God's power? Pray for our political leaders. Pray for this election. 
Father, together with my church family right now, we pray for our political leaders. Bless and help them. We commit Canada to you that your Kingdom may come and your will may be done here in Canada as it is in Heaven. Our hopes do not hang in the balance of this election, but we pray that you would guide our hearts as we vote. Regardless of electoral outcomes, may your truth, righteousness and healing prevail in this land. For your glory and in your name Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pastor Mike