Have you wondered what our 4th area of focus would be if we could only do 5 things as a church? So far our first three have been Prayer, Developing Worshippers, and Multiplying Missional People and Missional Groups.
4) Family - Health & Next Gen Priority
Do you remember what God's first and best way of filling the earth with glory and blessing was? If you asked someone today what God's best way for advancing His kingdom around the world is, you might hear a variety of suggestions. Church. An evangelistic ministry, mission or program. Compassionate acts. Revival prayer meetings. Maybe even your preferred model of church service or teaching. As wonderful as each of those things can be, they are not what God originally had in mind. God's first and -to this day- still His best way of advancing His kingdom around the world is: Family. God didn't put a church, a para-church ministry, Christian school, or prayer meeting in Eden. He put a couple in the garden and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth with His blessing.
This reality has several implications for us to give serious consideration to today:
Imagine with me the sight and sound of more teens and young adults in our Sunday gatherings. Imagine hands raised in worship, tears streaming down faces, and Bibles opened by eager absorbing hearts.
Imagine with me parents or grandparents on the couch with an arm around a young loved one, eyes closed in sincere prayer for one another. Imagine the safe people and place children find their home to be to ask the tough questions and confess the difficult things. Imagine seeing a bible open in your child's room.
It seems to me that we're not just imagining a church with a bright future; we're imagining the kingdom of God advancing on earth!
Even as I write this I realize my need to give more time to this responsibility at home. How about you? Let's grow in this together!
His grace will make a way,
Pastor Mike
PS - Any guesses on number 5? Watch for next week's ebulletin!