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Dearly Beloved,

Dear Friends.

I would like to introduce you to my best friends, Trevor Kempner and Trevor Caverly. It may sound unusual, but all three of us share the same name. Even more interesting is that we all served on the same pastoral staff together in Vernon. Due to our shared initials, we were affectionately known as T1, T2, and T3 or KFC. Personally, I preferred the T2 nickname instead of being called "Fried"." 

I can vividly recall one of my most memorable experiences with these guys. After a demanding district PAOC event, we decided to make a detour to the United States. The primary mission was to get our hands on some cherry Coke and vanilla Coke, which weren't available in Canada at the time. Additionally, we wanted to purchase butter and cheap cheese. My friend T1's wife had asked him to buy 10 packs of cheese and butter due to the cheaper prices. However, while we were at Target, T1 not only bought 10 packs of cheese but also 10 blocks of cheese!!!! To add to the surprise, he opted for "I can't believe it's not butter" instead of real butter to save money. I tried to persuade him against this, but he was determined to stick to his decision. I wanted to spare him from the trouble he would undoubtedly face at home (accountability). As expected, T1's wife was not pleased when she found out that he had overspent their monthly grocery budget on cheese and "I can't believe it's not butter." To this day, we still laugh about this incident. I could go on for days about how my friends have positively influenced my life. Thanks to them, I have become a better husband, father, Jesus follower, Pastor, and friend. Good friends are indeed rare, and it requires intentional effort to cultivate such meaningful relationships.

When I think of friendships, I always think of Jonathan and David in the Bible. Jonathan was extremely loyal to his friend David, and his relationship with God gave him the ability to deal effectively with the conflicting loyalties involving his father, King Saul, and his friend David. For Jonathan, truth always guided his loyalties, and he realized that this source of truth was God, to whom he was most committed. Jonathan's loyalty to God helped him navigate through the conflicting demands of his human relationships. I couldn't even imagine the challenges that he faced.

At CPC, one of our values is to build good DNA relationships.

D - Discipleship

N - Nurturing

A - Accountability

At CPC, we offer numerous opportunities for individuals to develop meaningful friendships. Joining our life groups or coffee clubs starting in the Fall, where you can study God's word, pray together, and enjoy fellowship, is an excellent way to cultivate strong relationships. Volunteering in and around the church also fosters deep connections with fellow members and provides opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. Consistent attendance at our Sunday services and events is a valuable way to nurture relationships. We often receive heartwarming feedback about the profound impact our life groups and coffee clubs have had on those seeking companionship. If you need assistance finding a group that aligns with your interests, please reach out to us at

Pastor Trevor