If I asked you what the most important and powerful word in the world is, what would you suggest? I'll give you a moment to think about it.... .... .... .... I remember hearing that very question addressed in one of the most impacting messages I've ever heard preached. I remember the preacher describing the time and thought given to considering what the most important and powerful word in the world might be. I remember him offering his children money if they could guess the word that he found to be so absolutely potent, so compelling it could actually transform nations. After MANY attempts, his children gave up and he got to keep his money and share his answer with them. And after keeping me and the congregation I was part of on the edge of our seats long enough, he finally delivered the word he felt could totally revolutionize the world: Others. Was 'others' on your list? It wasn't on mine. But, when we think about it, that preacher may have truly been on to something significant. Human nature, unfortunately, is inclined to think of self first. Even good deeds can be seasoned with subtle self-oriented motives (sometimes we love because we enjoy how it feels to be loved in return, for example.) At Christmas, we are reminded that Jesus came and demonstrated the kinds of things life devoted to 'others' could accomplish.
This Christmas at CPC, I want to ask you to consider 'others.'
For God's glory and the sake of others,
Pastor Mike