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Any men out there had a pedicure? I've got to admit I've gone with Laura and given it a try a few occasions. But, no matter how much someone grinds and saws away at my toenails, nothing's going to make my feet beautiful.

Except for the gospel, that is.
Same for you.  

Isa 52.7 says "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" (the gospel!)

I'm sure feet were quite an ugly sight in the ancient world. Think about how much our modern feet have benefitted from socks and shoes alone (not to mention, soap!). Ancient feet were dirty and disfigured. But when they carried good news, these stinky and swollen extremities were considered beautiful.

Poetic and profound! 

This past Sunday we heard about our call to advance in our CPC Missions partnerships.


So we can help spread the best message on earth around the world. 

Some of us may be called to go, long or short-term, to the "mission field."
Some of us may go on short term missions teams one day.
All of us can pray for the gospel to advance. 

And all of us can participate by giving in some way to support God's advancing work around the globe. 

So, I could spend some $$ on another pedicure. 
Or, I could give that $$ to advance the message and ministry of Jesus through CPC missions. 

I'll choose the latter.
And I'll have beautiful feet for sure. 

Pastor Mike

- to learn more about CPC's Missions Partnerships click here: 

- to give to missions through CPC, click here: