Barb Postal was a remarkable woman.
As we approach this Thanksgiving weekend, our church is remembering Barb and her legacy. Barb, was the wife of Dave Postal, who pastored our church for 20 years. After a valiant battle with cancer, Barb passed into the eternal presence of Jesus on October 12, 2019. Since then, each Thanksgiving weekend we include an opportunity to give toward a Barb Postal Memorial Kitchen Offering Fund.
Barb served wholeheartedly in so many areas of the life of our church. Many of us, myself included, remember Barb often serving in our church kitchen (with a great team of friends!) for any number of our potlucks or events. As tired, limiting, and outdated as our kitchen became, Barb continued to serve cheerfully and wholeheartedly.
I have marveled at the enthusiasm and generosity of many who have come alongside the vision of improving our kitchen space in Barb's honour.
There are two truths I want to highlight right now:
The truth is, Barb was indeed a remarkable woman.
I was honoured to be asked to speak at her Celebration of Life. I reflected then, and do again now, upon how Barb's life displayed the splendor of God (Isa 61.3).
Barb helped us to see and to feel God's care.
Barb's peacefulness helped us to experience God's peace.
Barb's warmth and accepting ways helped us to God's hospitality.
We give God thanks for the ways in which we saw Him better through Barb.
Secondly, the truth is, our church does indeed need to improve its kitchen.
We have two potluck events coming up. November 13 there will be a "Membership Potluck" and on November 27 there will be an "Exploring Membership Potluck." At both events, we plan to bring updates from our dialogue with our architect regarding long-term building upgrades, including our kitchen!
I suspect the potlucks will remind (or introduce) many of us of our kitchen's present condition, but also its potential!
I hope you will find yourself around a table this Thanksgiving weekend with family or friends. May you feel God's care, peace, and hospitality there.
And, I hope we will find ourselves enjoying an improved kitchen space as a church soon enough and many a meal together. And may you --and many, many others-- also feel God's care, peace, and hospitality there too.
Happy Thanksgiving,Pastor Mike